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Advantages of Sewer Camera Inspection in Birmingham, AL

Sewer Camera Inspection

Most of the pipes that service our home or our business are located deep underground. As such, it’s difficult to say when they get damaged or need replacing. Inspection wasn’t an easy process back in the days. But now, it’s easy to see what’s going on inside your sewer lines due to plumbing innovations. A camera inspection can be carried out in just a matter of hours. Our plumbers use a high-tech fiber optic camera snaked in via cables to inspect and record the entire process.

These are The Advantages of Sewer Camera Inspection in Birmingham, AL:

1. Saves You Time

Homeowners and business establishment owners can choose whether they want destructive digging or having a pipe inserted into their sewer lines for inspection. A sewer camera inspection via HD camera is the way to go because it significantly saves you more time as compared to days of endless digging and trying to locate the source of the problem. Trenchless solution has now given us the [benefit of having our sewer pipes] 2 inspected without excavation.

2. Saves You Money

You will also save a lot of money as well as time when you choose the no-dig solution. Traditional sewer line inspections make use of trial and error techniques which could put you well above what you expected in terms of inspection costs and repairs. All that dug-up earth has to be put back, so you hire a landscape contractor for additional expenses.

3. Adds House Value

One way to add value to a property is in making sure your plumbing system is in optimal condition. But the thought of disruptive digging just to check your home’s condition isn’t an attractive proposition. Sewer camera inspection is the better alternative to traditional sewer line inspections. You get to see the pipe conditions and estimate the true value of a property.

4. Pinpoint Accuracy

Having a sewer line inspection in Birmingham gives you an advantage such as getting accurate information as to what could be wrong with your sewer pipes. The real-time camera feed provides telling images sent to a laptop computer, allowing our plumbers and customers to see where and what the issue is. From there, an accurate diagnosis and recommendation can be given, which is a far cry against guesswork involving traditional sewer inspections.

5. No Digging Needed

As mentioned, your property and the surrounding space- sidewalks, roads and yards will be spared if you opt for a trenchless sewer camera inspection. You can avoid traditional methods of inspection that involve digging up your yard or precious garden, which is a convincing advantage by itself. Find out what’s causing sewer backups or loss of pressure with a good camera inspection via trenchless methods.

Overall, it’s a better way of finding out the causes of sewer pipe problems in your Birmingham home. The Advantages of Sewer Camera Inspection in Birmingham, AL makes life easier for you and our plumbers, which translate to peace of mind and quick repairs done via trenchless technology. What’s more, you get the best value for this kind of plumbing solution which has proven itself to be the best across the whole plumbing industry.

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